Caedo Oncology’s main shareholder is Sarsia Seed Fond II AS (44%).
Sarsia is a Norwegian early stage Venture Capital fund investing in technology companies within the energy / technology and biotechnology / life science sectors. Sarsia invest in early-stage companies, founded on innovative research-based technologies within pharma and medtech, with compelling value propositions serving unmet medical needs. They look for well-defined development plans with clear value inflection points, enabling robust returns on investment
34% of the shares in Caedo are distributed between founders and management.
Private investors and venture capital companies having shares in Caedo are Saturn Invest AS, Jac Moe AS, Stenshagen Invest AS, ERM Invest AS and Farvatn Venture AS.

Our team
Our team of scientist and advisors come from different scientific backgrounds – such as biology, molecular biology, immunology, and chemistry. In addition, the team also includes people with broad life science business experience.
Meet our team